Planning - Planning is a intellectual process in which a person makes a road map of his work which he is going to do whether it be event, business, or education. A person note down hid all work from starting to the end of the work. Person adds man, material, and money for his work, in his written statement so that he can add or remove necessary and unnecessary things. 

 6 P's of planning are state of basic requirements of planning. 

1 . Purpose :- Purpose is the first need and process of planning. To make plan effective it requires clear understanding of planning. The reasons for the existence of of the Organization must be mentioned. The purpose of an organization may be increase profits, market share and product etc. 

 2. Philosophy:- it is very important that the purpose to be achieved by organization. philosophy state the belief as to how the organization purpose is to be achieved it can be based on Profit ability through quality or increasing turnover through consumer satisfaction. 

3. Promise:- management can deal with changing environment more effectively with the help of promise because promise is an assessment of the strength and weakness of the organization based on the knowledge and assumption of the environment. 

4. Policies:- policies are general statements for the guidance of staff policies can be guidelines and constraints which help in management thinking and action. 

5. Plans.:-  plans can be objectives and action statement. Objectives are the goals of organization and action statements are the means of achieving them. thus plans guide us for achieving the goals and help us to know the progress at different stages. 

6. Priorities :- priorities are the essential part of planning it is very important that an organization must fix priorities. there are many resources which are limited and essential, like material, personal, capital. An organization set  its priorities of goal, It  must be based on the philosophy and premises Organization as well as economic, political and social environment.