Attributes of sound strategy :- Strategy is such type of action by which organization relates itself with the environment to achieve the desired goal.


There are 6  attributes of sound strategy. 

  1.  Strategy links firm to its Environment.
  2.  Strategy Combines Factors. 
  3. Strategy is highly dependable. 
  4. Strategy is Relative  Combination of Actions. 
  5. Strategy is forward looking. 
  6. Strategy is A  complex process. 
1. Strategy links firm to its Environment :- According to first attribute Strategy links   the organization to its internal and external environment. This strategy particularly relates the organization to its external environment, whether it is a bunch of action or a set of objectives or scarce resources. Thus we can say it is a system approach  to the management   as it treats the firm as only  a sub-system of environment. 

2. Strategy combine factors :- Internal and external factors are combined in the Strategy. Since strategy work as instrument to the organization. The management has to take account internal factors as well, because each  oraganisation has its own  strength and weaknesses. To achieve the desired goals of the organization,  management  must know the organization's strength and weaknesses. So that organization can avail opportunity. 

3. Strategy  is highly dependable :- Strategy deals with internal and  external environmental variables. Both is important for strategy one can not  expect a stability. as long as environment changes, the strategy have to change  and have to relate  organization with environment. for successful survival. It is so because strategy depends  on environment. to manage organization. 

4. Strategy is Relative Combination of Actions:- Strategy is a combination of actions. which is relative to other action. To attain goals and solve the particular problem of the firm, it is necessary that strategy meet the particular situation and the situation. 

5. Strategy is Forward looking :- A sound strategy focuses for what the situation will be in the future of the organization. Business situations changes their dimension, in which present conditions changes and new take place. to resolve the related problem it is important to create problem solving approach. So that it could be coordinated between strategy and situation. 

6. Strategy is a complex process:- Strategy is a combination  of planes, in which organizational goals are included,  what organization want to achieve . thus we can say it is a complex process. Strategy is a combination of planes which help the organization to end the others strength and activity, by its auxiliary functions.