Strategies :- The word strategy stands  tor the plan that integrates companies of organization's goal, policies and action sequences into a connected whole. Strategy is aa direction and   span of an organisation over     long-term, matches its resources to its changing environment  ideally and in particular its markets, customers so as to meet stareholder's expectations. Strategy is seen both traditional angle and modern angle. traditional concept of strategy is the product of rational  and logical planning process. In this sense we can say that strategy is  the science of planning and directing the operations. Because the word strategy is a military word, if we  Assume that business is  a war, then the military model can be important initial point for an research of strategy. 

According to philosophers :- 

Randall B. Dunham and john H. Pierce :-  Strategy is a science  of combating the many resources available to achieve the best match between an organization and its environment. 

Alfred D. chandler Jr. :- The determination of the basic long-term goals and objective in an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for  carrying out these goals. 

In other word we can say strategy is a purposeful plan, or strategy is the major program of action which help  to reach the goals and objectives. And strategy is a major patterns of allocated resources, which is relate the organization  to its environment. 

The traditional concept of Strategy :- it advocates the formulation of plans and strategies in great detail. 

The modern concept of Strategy :- It favours taking actions spontaneously.

In the blended form:- Strategy refers to either the plans made or the actions taken in an effort to  help an organisation to achieve there desired goal. When say strategy  as a plan, then we refuse to what is called as intended strategy. And if we say strategy is action taken then we are referring  to obtain strategy. 

    top 6 attributes of sound strategy.