What are the Types of Industry?

Industry is related with the manufacturing of goods it is the field where raw materials are changed into finished goods or product. This type of products are used by the industry or consumer. For instance making clothes with thread. Finished goods and material either used by the Enterprise for making products or by the consumer to use it. There are two types of goods produced by the industry.

Producers goods:- These type of goods used by the Enterprise as a raw material to produce further finished goods. These type of goods are known as Intennediate goods. 

consumers goods :- it is a product used by the consumer as a finished goods. 
There are many four type of industries

1.Primary and genetic industry :- the industry which is related to the living being is called primary and genetic industry this industry is related to the reproduction of certain species of animal and plants and multi line of it with the object of certain profit from their use and sale. Nature climate and environment plays an important role in this industry and human skill is also play role. 
Ex. Poultry farm cattle breeding nursery is fish hatchery's etc

2.Extractive  Industry :- extractive industry is related to the environment it is engaged in raising wealth from here climate soil water or from beneath the Earth surface. In this industry all these type of materials are used to make product so that consumer and business firms can be used it according to their need. This industry is divided into two categories. 
First category:- in this category worker collect goods already adjust in the environment or on the earth. 
Ex. Facing, hunting and mining
Second category :- human skill is used in this category to produce goods. 
Ex. Forestry and Agriculture. 

3.Construction industry :- this industry is related to the infrastructure development for the smooth running of the economy. It mainly concerned with construction erection and fabrication of products. This industry uses materials from other industry to construct building Bridge roads canals etc this and industry uses material such as cement iron brakes boards concrete send etc. All the engineering works are included in this industry

4.Manufacturing industry:- manufacturing industry convert raw material into finished or semi finished goods which can used by the consumer directly or by the other industry or company, mainly the products of extractive industry are used as a raw material in the manufacturing industry most of the product which are used by the consumer are created by the manufacturing industry. It can be classified into following part
a) Analytical industry:- it is a part of manufacturing industry in which one product is analysed and many products are produced or received as a final product or goods. 
Ex. Crude oil as example of analytical industry in which producer received Petrol diesel kerosene and jelly. 
b) Processing industry:- as  name, processing industry is related to the process of goods and product, In which product passes from various process to become a final product. In the first process the product become raw material. To convert into finished Good again it is processed. 
Ex. Paper Industry and Sugar Industry

3.Synthetic industry:- it is a type of manufacturing industry in which many raw materials are brought together in manufacturing process to make a final product or goods. 
Ex. Manufacturing of cement.