7 Characteristics and Marits of good Policy

To achieve desired Goal or objective of the organization it is very important that the policies must be ideal. Because policies are work as a constraint on the employees or working personal. It is true that the person work with two reasons first is a person is willing or motivate to do the particular work or the person has constraint to do the work. Hence policies play and effective  role in the organization. Policies help to manage coordination and define and determine the work which is needed to achieve particular objective of the organization. There is many types of policies which work differently in the organization. 
Here are ideal characteristics of policies
4.Contributery to objective

1.Realistic :- Tu achieve desired goal in the organization it is important that implementation of policy must be effective and refractive implementation policy should be realistic. 

2.clarity:- clear and simple policies help employees to understand itself. Which provide clarity to employees for doing work. 

3.flexible :- sometime it is important that the policy should be changed due to the requirement of change business environment hence policy should be flexible. 

4.contributary to objective :- policies are work as a tool in the organization to achieve goals and objectives of the organization. Hands it is important that policies should be always contributery to objectives. 

5.rational :- policies affect the business environment, policy maker should take utmost care while framing policies because present policies affect the business organization in the future. 

6.consent:- consent please an important rule while framing policies it provide more and detailed information about the company and opinions of employees for the policies. To make better policy it should be important that affect to consultation must be made with employees of the organization. 

7.review:- after implementation of policies it is important that the policies must be review on time to time and if it is needed, it should changed the policy

Marits of Policies 

1.Saving of time
2.Saving of labour
3.Guidance to employees
4.Determination of division limit
5.Facilating in deligeting authority

1.Saving of time :- policies saves time of the organization and top level of officials and leaders to guide employees or subordinates to work accordingly objective. 

2.Saving of labour:- there is no need any person to guide the employees, it saves liver of the employees. 

3.Guidance to employees:- policies provide guidance and vision to achieve the objective of the organization. 

4.Determination of decision limit:- all company members work according to the predetermined policies of the organization does policies help as a guide to the Employees in the day today work. 

5.Facility in delegating authority:-Every employee in the organization work within a specified limit with the help of policies top official delegates some work to the subordinate staff easily.