What is Recruitment Process? meaning and factors. 

 Recruitment :- Recruitment is a process of searching  for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the  organization or in the company. When more candidates apply for the particular job then it is easy to find perfect person for the particular work. Basically it is process between the employee and employer. Where employer offer to provide employ and person who want to do such type of work apply for it. 

Meaning :- There is different different type of meaning of recruitment according to the experts. 

1. According to Flippo, " Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for for jobs in an organization. 

2. According to Dale S. Beach " Recruitment is the process of searching and maintenance of adequate manpower resources. it involves the creation of a pool of available labour upon whom the organization can depend when it needs additional employee. 

Factor affecting Recruitment :- There are some factors which affects Recruitment. 

  1. The rate of growth of organization. 
  2. The size of the organization.
  3. Cultural legal and economic factors. 
  4. The employment conditions in the community where the organization is located. 
  5. The Effects of of past recruiting efforts which show the organization's ability  to locate and keep good performing people. 
Process of recruitment. 
                There are number of stages in the process of recruitment.
  1.   First step of recruitment is that, when personnel department  receives requisitions for recruitment from any department. Number of employee to be recruit, the duties to be performed, qualifications expected from the candidates, terms and condition of employment  these all type of information to be included in the requisition form. 
  2. Developing and locating the sources of required number of employees and type of employees. 
  3. Identification of the prospective employees with required characteristics. 
  4. Developing the techniques to attract the desired candidates. 
  5. Employing of techniques to attract candidates.
  6. Stimulating as many candidates as possible and ask them to apply for jobs. 
  7. Evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment process.  

Situational Factors Affecting Recruitment :- Recruitment has two important aspects (1) One is to find out the number of vacancies to be notified and the type of applicants needed to fill them. 
 (2) second is to approach the potential applicants to apply for such vacancies. 

There are 5  situational factors which affects recruitment. 
  1. The social factors :-  The social factor is one the factor which affect the recruitment. In the present time employees mentality has changed, If they are not satisfied  with there job and thing that there is no career option in the particular job, than they do not hesitate to leave the job. And has to gone for searching new career options. To deal this type of situation companies has to work smartly and, have to provide better career option to employee. company has to conduct training to development of the personnel efficiency. 
  2. The political Factors :- Companies have realized that employments should be defined in terms  of ability to perform the work, rather  than in terms of cast, colour, sex, religion and race or national origin. However,  constitutional provisions and political compulsions covering reservation for special group, come in the way of recruiting people, based solely on qualification, skills and experience. 
  3. The Economic Factors :- The economic factors one the factors which affect the recruitment process. Economic condition of the condition influence the recruitment process in al the organization whether it is small or big. The globalization  and libralisation , since 1991 onward has resulted in a boom in financial services in Indian. Resulted new economic policy, the demand for CFA/CA/MBA/ICWA   Students have grown tremendously. Even the engineering students had to get marketing/finance degrees or diplomas to get job opportunities.    
  4. The technological Factors:- Banking, telecommunication, electronics, automobiles, software and pharma industries has grown after the globalization and libralisation policy 1991. New technologies have created new jobs opportunities and existing jobs have undergone rapid changes. There are number of old jobs have disappeared from the scene. Technological changes have led to a chronic shortage of people with requisite skill and knowledge. Thus companies have to step up their recruitment efforts to compete successfully for a small, number of suitable candidate. 
  5. The legal Factors:- The legal factor plays in important role during the recruitment. child Labour, night shifts, bonded labour, contract labour etc. companies have to mind during the recruitment.
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