what are the barriers of communication? how to overcome barriers of communication 

 Communication Barriers :- Communication is Complete and Perfect when the receiver understand the message in the same sense and spirit as the communicator intends to convey to the receiver. While communicating There are several barriers interrupt the communication. It is often seen and the practical communication process that There are several barriers interrupt the communication. To overcome these barriers and make effective and perfect communication first it is important we must identify these barriers. 
To understand in good way and easily these barriers are categorized into the four groups - these are as -

Semantic barriers of Communication :-    
  • Different contacts for word and symbols 
  • Different languages                                       
  • Poor vocabulary

Physical barriers of Communication:-
  • Distance
  • Noise 
  • Inadequate or overloaded information 
  • Improper time 

Organizational barriers of Communication :-
  • Wrong choice of channel 
  • Organizational rules and regulation 
  • Non conducting of staff meeting 
  • Hierarchical relationship 

Psychological barriers :-
  • Premature evaluation 
  • Select perceptions 
  • Different comprehension of reality 
  • Attitude of subordinate 
  • Attitude of superiors                        
  • Egotism                                                   
  • Poor listening                                  
  • Emotions

How to overcome barriers of communication ?
To make communication effective and perfect. It is very important to overcome the barriers of Communication, which affects the communication process. 
Some are the ways which help to overcoming these barriers - 

  1. Effective listening
  2. Over coming perceptional barriers
  3. Create synergistic environment 
  4. Use appropriate language 
  5. Convey emotional contents of the message 
  6. Encourage open communication 
  7. Use proper channel 
  8. Make best use of body language 
  9. Ensure two way communication